How To Rejoin Zoom Meeting If Removed By Host
The Zoom meeting is a conference call service that aims to provide a more satisfying experience for those attending. The service provides a virtual conference experience by means of being able to provide both video and voice chat features. If you have been removed from a meeting by the meeting host, there are a few steps that you can take to rejoin the meeting.
How to rejoin zoom meeting if removed by host
Having trouble trying to rejoin a Zoom meeting after you’ve been removed by host? Here’s how.
An attendee can be removed from a meeting by the host of the meeting. If you are removed, there are two ways to rejoin the meeting.
1) You can go to with the ID that was given to you when you were invited to join the meeting and enter your email address. This will allow you to join the meeting automatically using Zoom’s audio, video, and chat functions.
2) You can also use Zoom’s application on your phone or computer by going to
Upon logging in with your user name and password, click on “Join” under Meeting Name (this will bring up a list of all meetings you are joined to, along with the meeting ID). Not sure how to find the meeting ID? Here is an example of what it looks like: 1234ABCD1234567890, where “1234ABCD1234567890” is the meeting ID.
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